explore pic!!!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Friday, November 10, 2006
Problem in flickr or blogger?
Sunday, November 05, 2006
An interesting photo and title. (if you have a better title do let me know) I noticed the mosquito sitting on the flower only after I took the photo. pink and green colour combination is great that has been already proved by the photo flower on lawn. let me know how you like this.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Flickr on lawn
I wish I could exactly pinpoint its location on flickr..but its map isnt as comprehensive..
Thursday, October 26, 2006
comic strip 1
I recently found this cool tool at sp-studio.de to create your own south park avatar and I couldnt resist trying it out and it got really addictive. then I used fd`s flickrtoys to make the thought bubble and here it is!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Looking at old photographs on flickr
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
because I miss you guys
This photo was in the private category but because I wanted to blog it, flickr said I`d have to make it public. So I did. sorry to my friends if they didnt want this photo to BE public.
From left to right, mohini, ME, Sujata, Sumit, Pranjali. have a happy dhanteras and happy diwali.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Flower on lawn
I finally got some of my photos printed yesterday and they looked even more stunning on paper than I had expected. I brought them home to show it to mom and kalpesh bhaiya was also there..and while talking to him she said what I just cant forget! she said photos from digicams are very nice. She was giving all the credit to the camera! not fair!
There are exceptional photographers who can take great photos with film too!! and Not everyone who owns a digicam can take as good pictures as what I had gotten printed. I did try to explain that to her but I dont know to what extent she understood it.. well, anyways, I forgive her for being so naive.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Finder Icon
This is my most interesting photo on my photostream currently. It has 377 views and 7 favourites and 50 comments(including my responses) so I think its high time I put this on the blog because this is also the first one to make it to the explore pages and stay there for quite some time. just cant help but think it could have been better.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Samurai sword
Another image just about to be removed from my flickr photostream because I have been adding new photos to it. Recently varun bhaiya also saw my photos and was very impressed by it. he also told about my photos to his contact, a good photographer on orkut and we taalked and I had to add her as a friend on orkut so that I could get some help when I needed some. also told to ruchi didi about this who has since, visited my photostream and added to favourite, a photo which is a mosaic of my favourites...heh...I think I should make a mosaic of all the photos of mine that have been favourited...
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Flamingo Flower
This flower has a story connected to it. how I met lecause and became friends with him. you can read his comment. "we use same fuji f10 and took same flower" I took quite a while to find the name of this flower(thanks again Mr tabish) and then also found what its called in japanese.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
one of my most viewed photos
this was one of my most viewed photos till I got my finder icon photo in the flickr`s explore pages...and then the disco lights photo into 1:10 group. But this is now the 200h photo in my photostream and will go away any time now. so it has to be blogged on my archives.
Dirty heary
201 photos in free user`s photostream?
how`z that? I just uploaded a picture this morning and checked that my photostream didnt push out the 2001st photo...instead, it was still there! lets see if it goes away in while...
Saturday, September 09, 2006
yash flipped
my first experimentation with long exposure after I had discovered the light writing group on flickr.com this one was in cursive and I was facing the camera when I wrote this so "yash" appeared as if it was mirrored...so I had to flip the image horizontaly to make it readable. enjoy
Friday, September 08, 2006
Arjun Bhaiya`s birthday
this is one of my first pictures uploaded to flickr.com this was taken with my nokia 6230 phone. arjun bhaiya`s friends came over at 12 am with the cake and all and as u can see, the cake says happy birthday butley. butley is what his friends call him it means short.
Monday, September 04, 2006
How Do I look?
This is a self portrait I did while standing in front od the mirror...that mirror is huge! from the floor to the ceiling almost...like in shopping malls..Tell me how do I look. disregard the standing hair :) too bad its not in my photostream anymore for people to see...I reallty wish people of the free account get more than 200 photos in their photostream!
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Guess the object
this is a pretty good macro I believe...I just love the white colour in this image...so peacefull.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Smiley Face
Another good photo that got removed from the photostream....but atleast it was tagged and I could still go to the photo and send it to some group pools and blog this.
I just uploaded 31 pictures on flickr.com and so, My older photos were removed from the photostream. I wish there was a way to blog multiple photos at once.
this is a bogunvillia flower and there were loads of these in my grandfather`s yard. the trees would shed a whole lot of these and we would play in piles of those paper like flowers.

Sunday, August 20, 2006
Long exposure in the dark

Long exposure in the dark
Originally uploaded by yashrg.
Dear blog, save this image for whenever I need to look at it.